Track team eyes November events


By Jad Omar

UNIVERSITY CITY, SHARJAH – American University of Sharjah’s track team captain Sayed Wahezi is setting his sights on an inter-university competition against different universities from Dubai, Sharjah and Ras Al Khaimah in November.

Captain of the team since 2021, Wahezi said in a September interview the team has received medals and trophies from past events and its members are working hard to ensure winning every gold medal for the upcoming championships. 

He added that during the COVID era the sport seemed to be “dying” for lack of runners and a coach. Today, however, there are 27 members, some specializing in 100m or 200m events, others in marathon running, he added.

He said that it takes a lot of hours in the gym and a balanced diet to be a good track runner. “You need to know how to preserve your stamina and power,” Wahezi added.

According to Wahezi, he had to quickly adapt to leading a team, “making sure they improve as students and athletes simultaneously.” He said that sporting events at AUS are important for the university experience, adding that they help battle stress and anxiety and keep a person active. 

“Every sport takes extreme dedication, effort, and comprehension,” said Wahezi.