While people are still under a lot of pressure to look a certain way, the natural look is back in style.
Donia Ibrahim
A new trend, from how we use Botox to how skincare is designed is dictating a new beauty trend.
This writer believes a good aesthetic physician should never try to transform a patient into someone they are not, but they should simply turn back time.
Doctors in the cosmetic industry believe that the natural look is making a comeback in the future of aesthetic trends. This is the case because patients are heavily influenced by new beauty standards that are promoted through social media.
People believe that conforming to the ever-changing standards will make them feel like they belong to this emerging society.
Certain physical flaws could be damaging to one’s confidence. Owing to the new trend, people are now more aware of a new trend that dictates that they do not need to make major changes in their appearance to improve their self-esteem.
Today, patients are focused on preserving their youth and enhancing their natural features rather than undergoing major procedures.
People who are resorting to cosmetic procedures are demanding techniques that allow them to be the best version of themselves.
Several celebrities have been promoting the natural look on their media platforms. On social media, this is shaping the current beauty standards.
The more people adapt to these trends, the more evident the shift in the beauty standards appears.
Maggie Osman was 18 when she first had a Botox treatment. She lay, head back, in an unfamiliar room while the Botox was injected through her forehead lines. She was not sure if she looked exactly younger, but the Botox left her with smoother skin.
Now Osman said she resorts to the natural look when it comes to facial Botox because “It isn’t about transforming but embracing and enhancing the natural skin.”
Osman noted that she has recently recognized the shift of aesthetic trends from the overdone and sculpted look to a more skin-centric approach.
She has realized after years of invasive procedures that true beauty now comes in the shape of a face that wears age with grace and pride.
Previously, beauty culture was engulfed in an anti-aging epidemic, with phrases like “stop the clock” and “wrinkle busting.” Clinics were full of young people who wanted to transform their faces into people they follow on social media. Celebrities like Kylie Jenner influenced many to opt for cosmetic surgery.
However, now people find themselves gravitating towards trends that aim to enhance their natural features.
Aesthetic doctors are now injecting Botox and dermal fillers in far more strategic ways and at lower doses to give their patients a youthful yet natural-looking finish.
Rather than using injectables to create or change facial features beyond recognition, Dr. Karina Nasr, a cosmetic physician, uses tiny amounts of strategically placed products to produce subtle modifications.
What makes a significant difference to cosmetic procedures is the technique and the amount used. When opting for Botox, the balance between freezing the muscle just enough while keeping movement is an art form said Dr Nasr.
With the newly employed standards, patients are also opting for a “glow down” by dissolving fillers that were once trendy. People are now investing in skin prevention through non-invasive treatments rather than the overfilled look.
Molly Mae, a social media influencer, shared her journey with reversal treatments.
“I think I’ve taken all the steps that I want to take now in reversing all the mistakes I made with fillers, getting things done that I didn’t necessarily need to get done and didn’t think it through at the time,” said Mae.
This shift shows that people have realized that overly filled lips and jawline are not as common as they once were. A hydrated, softer appearance can be achieved using injectables, skin-boosting treatments, and medical-grade skincare.