Murder mystery among ECC’s Global Day activities


By Carine George 

UNIVERSITY CITY, SHARJAH – The Egyptian Cultural Club hosted a murder mystery game inspired by the Egyptian historical story of Raya and Sakina in the club’s booth in Global Day at the American University of Sharjah on March 10-11. 

Raya and Sakina were siblings who, with the help of their husbands and two other men, killed women to steal their gold in Al Labban neighborhood in Alexandria from 1919 to 1920. 

Booth’s visitors were expected to find the sixth member of Raya and Sakina’s gang through clues hidden in the booth.

Sports Coordinator Omar Hossam and Activities Coordinator Mohamed El Ebshihy took turns explaining the game to participants. Hossam also acted as El Mofatesh Korombo (a famous Egyptian cartoon detective) throughout the second day of the event. 

Cairo Souk recreation

The club’s booth was a recreation of Cairo’s Souk Khan El Khalili, and was designed with lots of lanterns, vintage mirrors, ancient Egyptian statues, and statues of famous Egyptian figures like Umm Kulthum. 

Sama Al Abweh, a computer engineering junior at AUS, said “the Egyptian booth was very creative as it is something they never did before. ECC usually portrays Egypt using the pharaonic theme in Global Day but this time they showed a different era and more of the modern culture.”

There was also a photo booth during the event that replicated Naguib Mahfouz Café in Khan El Kahlili, with club members printing photos for visitors.