Friday, March 14, 2025

Al Jada Hosts Pinktober Event

By Haidy Abdelazim SHARJAH, UAE – For the first time, the sip, listen and paint event in Aljada is themed to raise awareness on breast...

Appetite for construction: Architecture in the UAE

Architecture students explain certain processes of architecture in the UAE. By Zehra Qureshi UNIVERSITY CITY, SHARJAH – The future of design in the United Arab Emirates is...

Real men don’t cry

Some men from older generations may have been told to hide their emotions and tears.  By Hala Nasar In the olden days, men hunted. They also...

Astrology: The latest marketing technique

Your horoscope told you to read this didn't it? By: Dalal Awienat DUBAI - Have you ever heard someone say, “oh I’m always late because I’m...

Palestinian youth stay connected to homeland

Palestinian youth in the United Arab Emirates stay connected to their culture and identity in many ways, but one thing that unites them is...

Bittersweet nostalgia

By Carine Saeed Deafening silence echoed across the Student Center as the girl patiently waited for her following lecture. Occasionally, she would answer the gentleman...

The undesired fate

By Haniya Shoaib “Two hundred and fifty rupees is that last price for this sister,” quarreled the shopkeeper. “What makes you think that these pair of...

The relentless pursuit of everything

By Sharon S. Aruparayil He was just a little boy, tasked with a difficult job.  He was supposed to bring the correct change back, twenty and...

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