Weight We Share
By Jude Aly
The air in Desert Barbell was heavy with anticipation, thick with the smell of sweatand chalk dust coating from the steel calibrated...
The News
Anchor: Irene De Prosperi Blanco
Reporters: Irene De Prosperi Blanco Muhammad Hashid Jaffar Sabah Anjum Zaheer Tala Taisier Zoubi
Producer: Tala Taisier Zoubi
The News
Anchor: Bissane El Sayed Reporters: Shaikha Saif Almaazmi Salama Badr Almahri Bissane Amer El Sayed Annalisa Jacqueline Lewis Producer: Salama Badr Almahri
No injuries reported after car engine catches fire
Staff Report
UNIVERSITY CITY, SHARJAH – No injuries were reported Thursday afternoon when American University of Sharjah security personnel, responding to a motorist whose vehicle...
Shaikha Almaazmi reports on plant study buddies
Related Story: https://mcmmediahub.aus.edu/index.php/2024/05/15/plant-pals-available-to-ease-finals-stress/
CAS honors Dr. Jeffrey King for research
By Bissane El Sayed
UNIVERSITY CITY, SHARJAH – American University of Sharjah Assistant Professor Jeffrey King received the College of Arts and Sciences Research Award...
‘Horizon’ event ends Astronomy Club’s year
By Annalisa Lewis
UNIVERSITY CITY, SHARJAH – With its numbers reduced by finals, a smaller-than-expected but still enthusiastic group of Astronomy Club members celebrated their...
Plant pals available to ease finals stress
By Sabah Zaheer
UNIVERSITY CITY, SHARJAH — American University of Sharjah students stressed by finals can borrow a plant “study buddy” from the library as...
Environmental Day brings Sharakah students to campus
By Shaikha Almaazmi
UNIVERSITY CITY, SHARJAH – The American University of Sharjah’s Environmental Day brought hundreds of students from Sharakah schools to campus on Tuesday.