Friday, May 17, 2024


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MCM Students Podcasts

Murky Domain, episode 2

Journalism student Hind Aldah chats with UoS student Tala Shraim on good eating habits in Ramadan. University of Sharjah nutrition student Tala Shraim talks about the importance of keeping up a healthy...

“Murky Domain” with Hind Aldah

Journalism student Hind Aldah chats with Professor of Political Science Giacomo Chiozza. Professor of Political Science at American University of Sharjah Giacomo Chiozza talks about his journey as a runner, starting as...

What’s for Breakfast?

Journalism student Hala Nasar interviews Dr. Lisa Moscaritolo on her experience with students and Global Day 2022. American University of Sharjah Vice Provost for Student Life Dr. Lisa Moscaritolo isthe master behind...

Teens and their screens with Zahra Rashid

Journalism student Zahra Rashid chats with Multimedia Design major Carol Maher on the harmful effects of Instagram. Have you ever wondered why depression and suicide rates amongst Generation Z has increased ever...

React to Impact

Journalism student Shaikha Majid Alshamsi chats with Vini Rupchandani, as EcoRep at AUS. Vini Rupchandani is a sophomore student who is majoring in Physics and Psychology at the American University of Sharjah....