Astronomy Club Holds Celestial Night and Stargazing


By Dina Helmy

University City, SHARJAH–The Astronomy Club held a celestial night on Nov. 14 at the American University of Sharjah, featuring documentaries, games and stargazing.

The event was in collaboration with the Sharjah Academy of Astronomy, Space sciences & Technology.

The Astronomy Club started the event by displaying two different documentaries, “Venus Earth’s Lost Twin” and “Jupiter: The Godfather Planet.” The event took place in front of the physics building from 6 p.m. till 8 p.m.

Hafsa Hamid, president of the club, said that it was the ideal date for the event because Jupiter and Uranus are in opposition right now. “We also see Venus so often, but because of the position of the telescope today, we cannot see it.”

Club members also organized a Kahoot game based on the documentaries and three students won. The winners will be receiving a prize each, including moon lamps.

After the documentaries, a member of SAAST team, Ahmad Salah, set up the telescope and students lined up to see Jupiter and Saturn. 

Salah said, “The telescope is pretty […] it’s almost like 25 years old so it might not exactly be the most modern thing, but it has an emotional connection that I have.”

Most students were excited to see Jupiter for the first time. 

The club members also announced their astrophotography competition for students who are interested to participate and win prizes.