Pre-Travel Preparation
The infographic describes steps to be taken by travelers before they embark on their journeys.
How to Register for the MCM Internship
The infographic presents steps to be taken by MCM students who are planning to take internships in Winter or Summer.
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Media Development Timeline
The infographic provides major milestone defining the development of media across history. From the printing press to digital social media platforms
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Evolution of cameras
This infographic traces the historical evolution of photographic cameras from the 1500 century (Camera Obscura) to the first decade of the 21st Century (Digital...
Save the World!
The infographic depicts was of saving the world from multiple threats arising from environmental transitions. Suggested methods range from waste management to saving animals...
Evolution of the iPhone
This infographic tracks the evolution of the iPhone from its launch in 2007 to present
Click on the image to enlarge
Social media usage
Hows how different social media platforms are used across generations
Pedestrian Rules in the UAE
Show how pedestrians could get hit by a car if they don't use the right crossing
Arctic Terns Migration
Shows the path taken by the birds as they migrate to the North
Moderna Vaccine
Shows details of the Modern-FDA deal