How to make chocolate chip cookies
The infographic explains steps to be taken to make chocolate chip cookies at home. The steps include pre-heating oven to 180C to mixing sugar,...
Stockholm+50 Meeting
The infographic identifies different perspectives expressed at the Stockholm+50 regarding climate change. The meeting showed wide ranging nations' views about how to handle global...
How to launch a product
By Ayana Niyaz Kallivalappil
This infographic describes steps for launching a product. The infographic consists of four main nodes that include product, promotion, stakeholders, and...
Brazilian Elections
By Hind Al Matroushi
The infographic describes the implications of Brazil's political ads in the 2022 elections . Both the Workers Party and the Liberal...
Caring for a Cat
By Maria Ceriani Jasa
When people first adopt a cat, a lot of them don’t know some basic things about how to take care of...
Fast Fashion
By Amna Naser
The infographic describes “fast fashion” which as an important concept that many of us may not be aware of its impact. The...
The perceived impacts of a shift toward sustainable fashion
By Shaikah AlShamsi
Over the past few years, the fashion and textile industry have arguably been unsustainable in their form and different practices throughout the...