IMC Campaign Senior Pitch Fall 2022


Mass Communication students pitch their senior project to senior members of the marketing communications industry and the RTA in the MCM Integrated Marketing Case Competition on 6 December at 5PM in Main Lecture Hall A. GROUPS:

Team Neo: Wasan Abusirdaneh, Sarah Qaddumi, Rand Al Atrash, Mohammed Abusaqer, Jana Sabbagh, Khaled Issa

The Aces: Hania Al-Aiaty, Dania AlSheikh, Zahra Saleem, Emad Hussein, Marian Farah, Luna Al-Mallah, Salma Khalifa

Ebda’a: Alhanouf Alsultan, Rama Tokatly, ElFatih Mahgoub, Nada Al Astwani, Lamya’a Tamem, Rania Moustafa, Merna Elashmawy