Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Brazilian Elections

By Hind Al Matroushi The infographic describes the implications of Brazil's political ads in the 2022 elections . Both the Workers Party and the Liberal...

Social media usage

Hows how different social media platforms are used across generations

Stockholm+50 Meeting

The infographic identifies different perspectives expressed at the Stockholm+50 regarding climate change. The meeting showed wide ranging nations' views about how to handle global...

Website Management

By Sakina Dholfar Website Management is about building on and maintaining your online web presence. However, managing a website isn't an easy feat. It requires...

“Our World in Data” COVID-19 Updates

The info graphs provide visual snippets of "Our World in Data" reports on COVID-19 vaccinations worldwide. MCM 310 Infographics for Journalism students have visualized...

Nintendo releases last major update for Animal Crossing: New Horizons

By Sara Hameed Nintendo has released the last major update for Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Version 2.0 on Nov. 5. This includes the return of...

The Many Faces of Imperialism

By Jana Al Jamal Imperialism has taken numerous shapes and forms throughout human history such as, colonies, settler colonies, protectorates, imperial companies, spheres of influence...

Arctic Terns Migration

Shows the path taken by the birds as they migrate to the North

AIRPOD 2nd and 3rd Generations Compared

By Pooja Maniyeri The infographic compares 2nd generation Airpods with 3rd generation Airpods in terms of the controls to answer a phone call, methods of...

Evolution of music genres

By Abdul Muiz Nauman As with the evolution of any substance, product or even species, music tastes have changed hugely in the past 70 years....

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